1. What size of advert do you require?
2. Length of booking ?
3. Email your requirements to sarah@thebedfordshireoracle.com along with your company name, address and contact numbers. You will then be sent an invoice. Payment is required prior to the copy deadline.
4. Email your artwork to sarah@thebedfordshireoracle.com Bookings, artwork and payment need to be received by the copy deadline which is the 12th of the preceding month. If you don’t have artwork, or need artwork amending, we can do that for you for a small fee.
5. Talk it over - If you would like to talk over your advertising requirements, please just get in touch.
The Bedfordshire Oracle
JAC Publications Limited. Company Number: 07441831. Email: sarah@thebedfordshireoracle.com
Landline: 01525 841370, Mobile: 07907083710
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